Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Federal pension payments follow some retirees into the grave

From washingtontimes.com
Federal retirees often enjoy generous pensions, but some manage to keep getting paid even after they’re dead and buried.

Each year, investigators uncover dozens of cases of federal retirees or their spouses continuing to collect retirement checks after death, records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show>

Usually, relatives, friends or caretakers take the checks and cash them, hoping the government won’t notice. Many of the thieves face criminal charges once caught, but not all of them end up before a judge. And in some cases, years pass before the fraud comes to light.

But some suspects manage to avoid criminal prosecution because the statute of limitations runs out or because prosecutors simply decline to press charges.

In one recent example, the wife of a deceased U.S. Postal Service employee entitled to collect retirement pay died in 1997, but the benefits continued for another nine years, resulting in more than $170,000 in overpayments. The woman, a resident of a nursing home in Texas, had a man handling her finances who had signed paperwork agreeing to “promptly notify the Office of Personnel Management” of her death. But that didn’t happen.

Instead, the case fell through the cracks. After the investigator for OPM’s Inspector General left the office, the case “had not been investigated further since February 2009 due to a lack of resources and higher priority agency cases,” a May 11 memo closing the case states. The statute of limitations, which gives officials five years to bring a case after learning about a possible fraud, eventually ran out.

Yes, let's have the government take over every aspect of our lives, after all it seems they are doing a bang up job so far. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!
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1 comment:

  1. Government clearly has too much power. We The People should be able to vote directly on legislation since our elected officials are so out of sync with the will of the general public.

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    It would be an internet-based medium of voting for EVERYONE nationwide.

    If you like our idea, visit our site and show your support with a vote. Tell others to vote as well. This system may be just what this country needs.



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