Monday, July 12, 2010

Obamacare's control plan? 'Behavior modification'

I am not even going to opine on this article. I just want the story to get out. Please, fax, blog and tell everyone you know about this; yet another executive order that our President has signed to destroy our way of life. Shout this article from the roof tops. Where is Thomas Paine when we need him?
President Obama has signed an executive order specifying the treatment for all Americans, to be prescribed by government bureaucrats.Obama's order appoints members to a new government committee set up by the Democrats' new health law that will evaluate, make recommendations about and establish rules for everything from how people exercise to whether they smoke to the food they eat and the medicines they use. And it specifically requires the committee list the priorities for "lifestyle behavior modification" that the government will pursue.

Please, please read the entire article and pass it on. This must, and I mean, must be brought to the light of day!

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