Monday, December 06, 2010

Randi Rhodes Insists Limbaugh and Hannity Favor Tax Cut Extension Just to Keep Their Own Millions

As if this line of attack weren't perfectly obvious, liberal radio host Randi Rhodes attacked Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh on Friday afternoon for favoring the extension of the Bush tax cuts just so they can selfishly keep their own millions of dollars:

Tell Sean Hannity that the only reason that Sean Hannity is advocating for holding out for 98 percent of the American people and holding them hostage is because Sean Hannity makes $22 million a year, that's why! Sean Hannity makes $22 million a year. If Sean Hannity doesn't get his tax cut, Sean Hannity is going to pay about $900,000 more a year.

Rush Limbaugh makes $58 million a year reportedly. He's going to get a tax -- if the the tax on the top two percent is allowed to sunset, he's going to pay an extra $22 million a year. That's his tax bill, not his salary! That's his tax bill on almost $60 million dollars. But without it, you know, if they hold us hostage, then Rush will get an extra $2.7 million next year at a time when people are literally standing in line for heating assistance and he's mocking them and making racist comments about their inability to find a job or their lack of desire to find a job.

Ok, first, it's THEIR MONEY,dumb bitch. And second, how much money do you make? Are you donating your time for the job you that you are currently employed? Are you taking any money from your employers? Oh, and if you want to donate money to the government you should feel free to do so and add more money to your income taxes. There is a way to do that, all you have to do is contact the IRS. They will be happy to tell you how. Stop telling "We the People" what we need to do with our own money. Bitch!!!!
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