Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Center for Consumer Freedom Roundup

This is some tidbits from the Center for Consumer Freedom. If you click on the links in the article you will read, "the rest of the story".

Center for Consumer Freedom
Activists to POTUS: We Want a Weekly Anti-Meat Day.

A veritable dream team of food activists pooled their best efforts today in one whopper of a press release. Possibly encouraged by the fact that President Obama caved to activists begging for a White House garden, vegetable enthusiasts are now asking the Commander-in-Chief to endorse national “Meatless Mondays.” But that’s not all. The anti-meat wish list also includes White House-issued recipes and a State Dinner menu overhaul. And to make their case, vegetarian zealots reached deep into their treasure trove of juked stats and bogus claims.

I thought it was up to we the people to decide what and when we want to shove something in our mouths, not the government. They will never stop trying to control us, never. Then there's this:

BMI Surveillance: The Food Police Will Be Watching You:

Two doctors from the nonprofit Altarum Institute have taken a page from the Department of Homeland Security playbook, and began advocating a “Body Mass Index surveillance system” this week. What kind of surveillance? An electronic registry of children’s personal health information, gathered in order to monitor their weight. Here’s our question: Will the FBI start tapping phone conversations any time the words “cookies” and “ice cream” are spoken?

Let’s hope not. Because although Body Mass Index (BMI) is a popular measurement for weight-conscious consumers, it’s simplistic to the point of being practically useless. BMI is a simple calculation of height and weight used by government bureaucrats to classify people as "normal," "overweight," or "obese." And considering that the measurement is so flawed that it considers Brad Pitt overweight, it’s no surprise that many scientists have suggested abandoning the use of BMI altogether. Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention casts doubt on the effectiveness of BMI as a health-promotion tool.

Of course they can't get away with these "fear tactics" on all us common sense, beer swilling, gun toten, God fearing individuals. But they can play on our children and parents who want to make sure they provide all the good things in life for them. Open your eyes people and see this for what it is; a method of controlling the populace. And least but not last by a long shot, there's this.

The Wrong Way To Slim Down NYC – Take Four

New York City public health officials are just full of ideas on how to trim down their constituents: taxing soft drinks, yanking the salt out of recipes, and even banning cooking oils. Now a city councilman from Queens has thrown one more anti-fat scheme in the mix. Citing a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) about an alleged link between obesity and the proximity of restaurants to schools, Eric N. Gioia has proposed – you guessed it – another ban. Should his idea catch on, new restaurants will be prohibited from opening within one-tenth of a mile of Queens schools. But like soda taxes, trans fat bans, and anti-salt crusades, Gioia’s “fast food” prohibition isn’t the answer to slimming down the city’s schoolchildren.
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