Thursday, March 20, 2008

Records show drop in Clinton's policy role

So much for your experience Hillary...

From the boston globe:
Hillary Clinton's daily schedules show that her formal policy role in the presidency of her husband, Bill Clinton, shrank once Congress shelved the healthcare plan she helped craft in the administration's first two years.

The 11,046 pages of daily schedules the Clinton Presidential Library released yesterday show that during 1993 and much of 1994, Clinton met almost every weekday with healthcare advisers or key lawmakers. Her schedules document a grueling itinerary of trips to hospitals and healthcare conferences around the country where she met with elected officials and spoke with patients and doctors. But after Congress killed her plan to guarantee every American access to health insurance in 1994, the schedules show, her days became filled with the more traditional, ceremonial events attended by presidents' wives instead of policy meetings.

Clinton also was home in the White House on a half-dozen days when her husband had sexual encounters there with intern Monica Lewinsky, according to her schedules.
Seems like you have experience being the first lady, but not on policy. Your healthcare policy was a dismal failure and after that, back to planning parties for you! You were so involved Billy boy was diddling Monica right under your nose.

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