Cross posted from My Country My View

I'm sorry president Bush but I just can't agree with you.
As president of my country I respect you, but never will I agree with you when it comes to letting CRIMMIGRANTS into our country.
I cannot agree with any thing having to do with anyone coming to our country ILLEGALLY and being rewarded for it.
How can I agree with this?
These people come here and have no respect for us or our country our flag, or anything having to do with the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE, which is what we stand for!
They come here and TAKE, TAKE, AND TAKE!
You may have a passionate defense but so do I and so many others that love our country and want to protect it from becoming a 3rd world country.
Deeply concerned about our country losing it's soul?
What do you think is happening?
We are losing everything that is precious to us!
These people don't want to assimilate!!!
They want it their way or no way!
Can't anyone see this?
As for growing up in Texas?
I have!
What are you seeing?
Are we in the same Texas?
Yes, I guess I can see what you are talking about when you talk about the decency and humanity of Hispanics, but this isn't the real problem is it?
Bush targets immigration plan's foes
I'm talking about the blatant disrespect for our country!
Our Flag!
and as I stated earlier, everything that we stand for!
And now you're hoping that these new immigration changes will reduce the need for a fence?
No sir it won't.
In my opinion all this is going to do is encourage more CRIMMIGRANTS to enter our great country.
FROM McClatchy Washington Bureau
GLYNCO, Ga. - President Bush offered a passionate defense of his plan to overhaul immigration laws Tuesday, casting the debate as a struggle over America's soul and its reputation as a welcoming nation.
In an exclusive interview with McClatchy Newspapers, Bush expressed confidence that the changes under consideration in Congress would dramatically reduce the flow of illegal immigrants while giving those who are already here a chance to join mainstream American society.
He suggested that critics of his plan are either uninformed about the details or fearful of immigration.
"I'm deeply concerned about America losing its soul.
Immigration has been the lifeblood of a lot of our country's history," Bush said. "I am worried that a backlash to newcomers would cause our country to lose its great capacity to assimilate newcomers."
Bush acknowledged that the proposed overhaul faces a difficult time in Congress, where it is under attack from both ends of the political spectrum.
Conservative critics contend that the plan amounts an amnesty program because illegal immigrants would be allowed to stay in the country after paying a $1,000 fine.
Some liberals complain that plans for a new temporary worker program are overly restrictive and would create a permanent underclass of foreign workers.
Bush underscored his commitment to the legislation during an interview on Air Force One as he traveled to Georgia to promote the immigration bill. He has teamed up in support of the bill with a bipartisan group of lawmakers that includes Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz.
"I understand it's going to require a lot of work because this is a very emotional issue," he said. "There is an element of our society that is worried about two Americas.
My argument to them is: We've had this debate in our country for years.
"And yet our ability to welcome newcomers and the system's capacity to assimilate them has been one of the great powerful traditions of America.
It works, and it will work this time. People shouldn't fear our capacity to uphold our motto: E Pluribus Unum."
Addressing one of the most sensitive issues in the immigration measure, Bush expressed hope that the immigration changes would reduce the need for a fence along the U.S. border with Mexico.
The immigration bill requires the completion of at least 370 miles of fencing, along with other security measures, before any temporary worker program can go into effect, but does not specify how much of the border will ultimately be fenced. Congress approved legislation last year calling for 700 miles of fence.
The proposed fence has drawn protests in Bush's home state of Texas, where officials fear it will hinder commerce and cause environmental problems.
"The fence sends a clear signal that we're serious about enforcing the border," Bush said. "I presume we're not going to build fences where people don't want them."
The Peoples Patriot - One Way to Fight a Sanctuary City
From GA Crime Watch - Governor Perdue May Kill Illegal Immigration Bill in GA
From stikNstein has no mercy - The Presidents Immigration Speech Translated…CONGRESS SHOULD HAVE THE COURAGE TO
And last but not least From Blue Collar Muse - An Inconvenient Immigration Truth ...
This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration
If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.
Technorati Tags: President Bush, news, illegal aliens, illegal immigration, border security, politics, republicans, patriotism, America

I'm sorry president Bush but I just can't agree with you.
As president of my country I respect you, but never will I agree with you when it comes to letting CRIMMIGRANTS into our country.
I cannot agree with any thing having to do with anyone coming to our country ILLEGALLY and being rewarded for it.
How can I agree with this?
These people come here and have no respect for us or our country our flag, or anything having to do with the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE, which is what we stand for!
They come here and TAKE, TAKE, AND TAKE!
You may have a passionate defense but so do I and so many others that love our country and want to protect it from becoming a 3rd world country.
Deeply concerned about our country losing it's soul?
What do you think is happening?
We are losing everything that is precious to us!
These people don't want to assimilate!!!
They want it their way or no way!
Can't anyone see this?
As for growing up in Texas?
I have!
What are you seeing?
Are we in the same Texas?
Yes, I guess I can see what you are talking about when you talk about the decency and humanity of Hispanics, but this isn't the real problem is it?
Bush targets immigration plan's foes
I'm talking about the blatant disrespect for our country!
Our Flag!
and as I stated earlier, everything that we stand for!
And now you're hoping that these new immigration changes will reduce the need for a fence?
No sir it won't.
In my opinion all this is going to do is encourage more CRIMMIGRANTS to enter our great country.
FROM McClatchy Washington Bureau
By Ron Hutcheson
McClatchy Newspapers
GLYNCO, Ga. - President Bush offered a passionate defense of his plan to overhaul immigration laws Tuesday, casting the debate as a struggle over America's soul and its reputation as a welcoming nation.
In an exclusive interview with McClatchy Newspapers, Bush expressed confidence that the changes under consideration in Congress would dramatically reduce the flow of illegal immigrants while giving those who are already here a chance to join mainstream American society.
He suggested that critics of his plan are either uninformed about the details or fearful of immigration.
"I'm deeply concerned about America losing its soul.
Immigration has been the lifeblood of a lot of our country's history," Bush said. "I am worried that a backlash to newcomers would cause our country to lose its great capacity to assimilate newcomers."
Bush acknowledged that the proposed overhaul faces a difficult time in Congress, where it is under attack from both ends of the political spectrum.
Conservative critics contend that the plan amounts an amnesty program because illegal immigrants would be allowed to stay in the country after paying a $1,000 fine.
Some liberals complain that plans for a new temporary worker program are overly restrictive and would create a permanent underclass of foreign workers.
Bush underscored his commitment to the legislation during an interview on Air Force One as he traveled to Georgia to promote the immigration bill. He has teamed up in support of the bill with a bipartisan group of lawmakers that includes Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz.
"I understand it's going to require a lot of work because this is a very emotional issue," he said. "There is an element of our society that is worried about two Americas.
My argument to them is: We've had this debate in our country for years.
"And yet our ability to welcome newcomers and the system's capacity to assimilate them has been one of the great powerful traditions of America.
It works, and it will work this time. People shouldn't fear our capacity to uphold our motto: E Pluribus Unum."
Addressing one of the most sensitive issues in the immigration measure, Bush expressed hope that the immigration changes would reduce the need for a fence along the U.S. border with Mexico.
The immigration bill requires the completion of at least 370 miles of fencing, along with other security measures, before any temporary worker program can go into effect, but does not specify how much of the border will ultimately be fenced. Congress approved legislation last year calling for 700 miles of fence.
The proposed fence has drawn protests in Bush's home state of Texas, where officials fear it will hinder commerce and cause environmental problems.
"The fence sends a clear signal that we're serious about enforcing the border," Bush said. "I presume we're not going to build fences where people don't want them."
The Peoples Patriot - One Way to Fight a Sanctuary City
From GA Crime Watch - Governor Perdue May Kill Illegal Immigration Bill in GA
From stikNstein has no mercy - The Presidents Immigration Speech Translated…CONGRESS SHOULD HAVE THE COURAGE TO
And last but not least From Blue Collar Muse - An Inconvenient Immigration Truth ...
This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Technorati Tags: President Bush, news, illegal aliens, illegal immigration, border security, politics, republicans, patriotism, America
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