Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Debunking Rumors about Advertising and Photos

Now, I have to start with the article that generated the above title. So, first this article:

From Fox News:

Facebook is facing down an image problem, and it's all about your images.

An untold number of Facebook's more than 200 million users have been feverishly forwarding instructions in the past week on how to opt out of being the social networking Web site's corporate pitchman, following warnings that third-party advertisers were creating advertisements with users' profile photos without permission.

And now the disclaimer;
From Facebook:

The advertisements that started these rumors were not from Facebook but placed within applications by third parties. Those ads violated our policies by misusing profile photos, and we already required the removal of those deceptive ads from third-party applications before this rumor began spreading.

We are as concerned as many of you are about any potential threat to your experience on Facebook and the protection of your privacy. That's why we prohibit ads on Facebook Platform that cause a bad user experience, are misleading, or otherwise violate our policies. Along with removing ads, we've recently prohibited two entire advertising networks from providing services to applications on Facebook Platform because they were not compliant with our policies and failed to correct their practices

Ya'all have to follow the links and make sure this is either true or not. Brian believes "Facebook". And I'm sure we will be hearing more about this subject in the next few days to come. Will try to keep up on it, guys.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Congresswoman Backs New Equal Rights Amendment; Points to Afghanistan, China as Models

Woman already have equal rights here. And this Amendment has been introduced in Congress every year since 1921, why do you suppose it hasn't passed?

From CNSNews:

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) told activists rallying on Capitol Hill in support of the newly reintroduced Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), that the United States should join 27 other countries that have equality guarantees for women, including Rwanda, Algeria, China and Afghanistan.

“It does make a difference if an Equal Rights Amendment is in place or not,” Lee told the people who gathered outside of the Capitol on Tuesday.

“Twenty-seven other countries, including Rwanda, Afghanistan, Algeria and China have equality provisions,” Lee said.

Lee said she’s worked with Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) to ensure that the new Democratic government in Afghanistan addressed women’s rights.

“Even though we have many strides to make in Afghanistan that the women would at least have a place holder,” Lee said. “We know we are still fighting for equality and justice, but we insisted on a placeholder.

“Is America any less, that we should have more than a placeholder with the equal rights amendment?” Lee said.

According to the State Department’s 2008 report on human rights, the four countries cited by Jackson Lee are in fact described as nations where women face grave injustices, including rape, domestic abuse, and trafficking for prostitution.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

CNN's Blitzer Surprised Giuliani Thinks Obama 'Much Worse' Than He Thought

From Newsbusters;

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer was a bit surprised by Rudy Giuliani’s answer during Wednesday’s Situation Room, after asking the former mayor to reassess his prediction last year about “on-the-job training” for a President Obama. Blitzer inquired whether his “worst fears [had] come true.” Giuliani answered, “In many respects, it’s much worse than I thought.” The anchor merely replied, “Really?” [audio clips from the interview are available here].

Blitzer’s question and response to the former mayor’s answer occurred near the end of the interview, after the two had discussed gun control and health care. The anchor played a clip from Giuliani’s speech last year at the Republican convention in Minneapolis, where he bashed the then-candidate Obama’s modicum of experience: “John McCain has been tested- Barack Obama has not. Tough times require strong leadership, and this is no time for on-the-job training.”

I will be "unleashed" when it comes to "my President" now. Why? Because he has "stepped in it" too many times. And I didn't even have to put the "poop in the bag" and light it on fire outside the White House Steps.
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Obamacare for old folks: Just 'cut your life short'

I have been a Registered Nurse with a Bachelors Degree for 15 years. My specialty, includes, Cardiac Care, ICU, Step Down Unit, Respiratory Care; Home Heath Care and Hospice. All of these areas of Health Care dealt with the "old folks". I specialize in "elder care". This plan offends me; and I am a stanch conservative, not a "republicrat", a conservative. People wake up; we have been using socialized health care for decades already. It's called Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran benefits, How has that been working so far. My husband will enter the wonderful world of Veteran benefits in two weeks, I'll let ya all know how it goes. In the mean time, I will report; and let my Uncooperative Readers decide.

From World Net Daily:

The version of President Obama's universal health care plan pending in the U.S. House would require "end-of-life" counseling for senior citizens, and the former lieutenant governor for the state of New York is warning people to "protect their parents" from the measure.

At issue is section 1233 of the legislative proposal that deals with a government requirement for an "Advance Care Planning Consultation."

Betsy McCaughey, the former New York state officer, told former president candidate Fred Thompson during an interview on his radio program the "consultation" is no more or less than an attempt to convince seniors to die.

Did ya all watch the Obama; my president's news conference today. Thought’s all????
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Walter Cronkite Review: 'Gawd Almighty,' Shout 'the Truths' of Liberalism

I know an Icon has passed away, but the Lame Stream Media is falling all over itself fawning over this man. He lived during a time in United States History where we were changing at a dramatic rate. And a lot of the changes were not good. He got to report on it. That's all. Oh, and he was a "globalist", and a commie. Rest in peace.

From the Media Research Center:

In 2006 the MRC put together a compilation outlining how, since his retirement in 1981 after nineteen years as anchor of the CBS Evening News, Walter Cronkite had made clear his liberal views on a range of issues.

For the full collection of Cronkite's liberal pronouncements, and denunciations of conservatives, since the late 1980s check the MRC's “Walter Cronkite: Liberal Media Icon.” Categories: “Promoting Liberalism,” “Denouncing Conservatives,” “Get Out of Iraq 'Now,'” “Believing in Conspiracies,” “Wishing for 'One World Government,'” “Terrorism Caused by Economic Disparity,” “Pushing for More Gun Control” and “Proud of News Media's Liberal Persuasion.”

Please, Please, Please people, follow all of links provided in this article and edumacate yourself.
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Battered Women, Si; America-Haters, No.

This is a very interesting and disturbing article about Obama opening up our country to battered foreign women which would include Islamic women

Battered Women, Si; America-Haters, No.
Fellow Americans: Prepare to receive the entire female population of Pakistan sometime soon. And that's just for starters. I don't oppose this but I honestly don't know if we can economically afford to do it. Given the recession/depression, I rather doubt we can. But get ready for something like this to happen anyway.

Today, the Obama administration reversed a Bush-era policy and opened the way for foreign women who are victims of severe domestic beatings and sexual abuse to receive asylum in the United States. The battered women will have to meet strict conditions for asylum and will also have to show that domestic abuse is widely tolerated in their country that they could not find protection from institutions at home or by moving to another place within their own country.

Isn't this just great considering the Islamic culture of abusing their women and hating America.
Apparently, the Obama Administration has also just declared its intention to allow Palestinians from Iraq and from Gaza into the United States. It is unclear whether such Palestinians are among those who cheered on 9/11

You should go read the whole article, written by a women by the way, and let us know what you think of this policy.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Florida ready to unleash 'python posse'

Wow, I miss my first adopted state of Florida, if it wasn't for the heat, humidity, and bugs, Brian and I would still be living there. They are brilliant when it comes to running that state. The laws are common sense, the taxes are fair, and they keep coming up with ways of generating more revenue. I miss the deep South and they people who live there. Good for them, you go Florida!

From USA Today:

Florida is on the verge of unleashing a "python posse" to track down and kill giant snakes on state land, The Miami Herald reports.The paper quotes Rodney Barreto, chairman of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, as saying Gov. Charlie Crist is expected to sign off on the project as early as today.

Barreto says as many as 20 professional trappers could be cleared within a week to go after the snakes, which can grow as long as 20 feet.

I wonder how Python tastes? That's a lot of meat. This just opens up many possibilities for a capitalists. Like, using their skin for boots and wallets. What is their fat content? Do they have any medicinal benefits? And I bet there is going to be tons of hunters from around the country and around the world that will come to Florida to hunt them. Brilliant!!!!

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Senate committee passes health-care overhaul

One has to wonder if any of our elected cockroaches actually read the bill.

From USA Today:

WASHINGTON — A Senate health committee advanced a $600 billion overhaul of the nation's health care system Wednesday, pushing President Obama's top domestic priority past its farthest legislative milestone to date.

But the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee bill, which was approved on a 13-10, party line vote, could change significantly before Congress acts on health care. Lawmakers — who want to conduct floor votes on the bill before they recess in August — are working on two other versions of the legislation.

The Senate's health committee was the first of five committees in Congress considering health care to pass a version of the legislation.

And we're off!! Socialism here we come. Hold on to your hats folks, here comes more government cheese.

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Military Developing Half-Robot, Half-Insect 'Cybug' Spies

This is pretty cool.

From Live Science:

Miniature robots could be good spies, but researchers now are experimenting with insect cyborgs or "cybugs" that could work even better.

Scientists can already control the flight of real moths using implanted devices.

The military and spy world no doubt would love tiny, live camera-wielding versions of Predator drones that could fly undetected into places where no human could ever go to snoop on the enemy.

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Saturday, July 04, 2009

Madoff Hires Consultant to Find Best Possible Jail

From The Times London Times:

Bernard Madoff has hired a veteran prison consultant to help him to find the best possible jail in which to serve his 150-year sentence for Wall Street’s biggest fraud.

After his sentencing this week Madoff, now Prisoner No 1727-054, met Herb Hoelter, of the National Center for Institutions and Alternatives, whose previous clients include the jailed Sotheby’s chairman Alfred Taubman and the financiers Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky.

The draconian maximum sentence imposed by the judge means that Madoff, 71, will be assigned to a tougher category of prison than most white-collar criminals.He could be forced to mingle with murderers, rapists, drug-dealers and white supremacist gangs with a hatred of Jews. Madoff is Jewish.

He could even find himself incarcerated with terrorists in the infamous “Supermax” jail in Florence, Colorado.

“He was incredibly disappointed. He knew he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison. I don’t think that was ever an issue,” Hoelter told The Times. “But it’s patently unfair to cast him as a symbol of all evil.”

What a Liberal News Rag. Draconian sentence! Draconian! Tell that to the hundreds of people who lost their life savings, you twit!
If you continue to read the rest of the article, and read it as Uncooperative readers, you will see that the reporter is trying to paint our prison facilities as if they were horrible dungeon like pits, where everyone was tortured. Yes, isn't that special.

And the arrogance of this man is astonishing. Does he get to choose? I thought only the Judge could do that. Any thoughts?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Ethiopian church speaks out on Ark of the Covenant

I knew as well as everyone else who has heard about this story, that it was going to drag on. Now the Ethiopian's say that the Ten Commandments box will not be displayed. Oh Lordy, Lordy.

From WND

There was considerable confusion last week when the leader of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church apparently told an Italian news agency of an upcoming announcement about the possible public display of the Ark of the Covenant – the box holding the Ten Commandments – and then the prescribed time passed with no word.

However, there was no equivocation today in an e-mail received by WND from the webmaster of a church website in response to an inquiry about the truth of the matter.

"It is not going to happen so the world has to live with curiosity," said the statement, signed only "Webmaster" in response to the WND inquiry.

The webmaster statement described the tempest as being caused either because of a translation mistake or "a slip [of the] tongue from the patriarch." WND reported first when the apparent "revelation" was to be announced and then again later when the scheduled time came and went without word.

I wonder where this will finally end. I wonder why the rest of the "lame stream media" are not talking about this at all. Could it be they are too busy with their noses up our President's butt? If any of my intelligent readers out there here about another source for this story. could ya put a link in the comment section. Thanks.
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FBI Interviews: Saddam Bluffed About WMD Out of Fear of Iran

The Left wing loons are probably pulling out their hairs over this revelation. Why weren't we privy to this info earlier? Because we don't get to know everything about the ongoing War on Terror. Yes, we are at war people. I know no one wants to say it and our elected cockroaches have made an effective effort to make sure the American people do not believe it. But it's true. Were at War.

From Fox News:

Before he was hanged, Saddam Hussein told the FBI that he let the world believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction because he didn't want his greatest enemy, Iran, to discover Iraq's weaknesses, according to newly released FBI interview notes.

The former Iraqi dictator, though, repeatedly contradicted the United States' case for war against his country, saying he had no connection to the "zealot" Usama bin Laden and never had any WMD's.

The detailed interviews, spanning February to June 2004, were obtained by the National Security Archive and posted on its Web site Wednesday.

I'm going to make time later on today to visit the website and if I find something interesting, I'll post it. But you guys are smart, visit it and find out for yourselves.
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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Report: Israel Plans to Deport Cynthia McKinney After Seizing Her Gaza-Bound Boat

Cynthia McKinney the craziest United States House of Representative and ex-presidential candidate in the history of the world. But, she is the gift that keeps on giving to this humble blog.

From Fox News:

Israel plans to deport former U.S. lawmaker and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney and 20 other human rights activists who were aboard a relief boat seized by an Israeli naval ship Tuesday after it refused to stay away from an Israeli blockade of Gaza.

Authorities took the activists to Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv where they await deportation, according to a news report in Israel.

McKinney, a longtime advocate for Palestinians, said her Greek-flagged boat, the Spirit of Humanity, was carrying medical supplies, cement, olive trees and children's toys to Gaza when it was intercepted by the Israeli navy.

The Free Gaza Movement organized the trip for the activists who hail from different countries, including Ireland, Britain and Bahrain.

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine. We all live in a yellow submarine.

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