Monday, January 27, 2014

Show notes 01/23/2014

Thursday Show 1/23/14

Benjamin Franklin
Early in his time abroad, Franklin considered himself a loyal Englishman. England had many of the amenities that America lacked. The country also had fine thinkers, theater, witty conversation — things in short supply in America. 

Net Neutrality
At its simplest, network neutrality is the principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. Net neutrality advocates have established different definitions of network neutrality:

Eight year old boy hero saves six from fire
An online fundraising campaign has raised enough money to pay for the funeral of an 8-year-old New York boy who died while trying to rescue his disabled grandfather from a burning mobile home.

Everyday Heroes
1. Charles Ramsey rescued three women and a girl
Charles Ramsey had a history of domestic violence. He assaulted his wife more than once, and went to jail for it in 2003.But a decade later, on the afternoon of May 6, 2013, when he heard a woman next door "going nuts," Charles Ramsey did the right thing.

2. Subway stroller rescue – and a new job
Unemployed. A father of two. Brooklyn resident Delroy Simmonds was on his way to a job interview on Tuesday June 26, 2012.

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